These premium bags and shooting accessories from Edgewood Leather are innovative in design, made of absolutely the best materials available and will hold up under constant competitive use. All Edgewood Leather Shooting Bags are not filled, unless otherwise specified. See page 167 for Extra Heavy Bag Sand and Forster Kwik-Fill funnel.
This “Standard Height” Original Style Rear Bag has a body height of 3¼" tall and a 3" x 4" ear base. The ears are 1½" tall with a 3⁄8" ear spread to fit all the popular benchrest stocks or varmint/hunting stocks. This standard height bag works exceptionally well with the “low profile” benchrest stocks like the Kelbly Club, and Scoville. The standard bag is also great for hunter/varmint stocks with a lot of drop in the butt stock. Footprint is approximately 6½" x 8½".
Original Tall 4" High 3/8" Spread 3M Slick