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The cleverly designed CrossBreed® MiniTuck® features the same comfort and concealability as the larger SuperTuck® but on a smaller scale for compact carry pistols. This holster is ideal for deep concealment of a smaller pistol or for those with a smaller body frame. Designed exclusively and patented by CrossBreed® Holsters, the MiniTuck® is hand molded to fit each specific firearm listed. It features one of three premium leather backers with a molded and mounted kydex pocket and includes a "combat cut" standard on each holster. The MiniTuck® is designed to be carried towards the rear of your draw side - 3:30 to 5 o'clock for right hand draw or 7 to 8:30 for left hand draw. Kimber Micro Carry .380 Minituck Holster RH Black: Also fits Kimber CDP .380 Ruger LC380®/LC9/LC9s Laserguard Minituck Holster RH Blk: Also fits LC9s Pro CT LaserGuard LG-412 Ruger LC380®/LC9/LC9s/LC9s Laser Minituck Holster RH Black: Pro Viridian R5 ECR Reactor Laser S&W M&P Shield M2.0 9/40 w/Laser Minituck Holster RH Black: Integrated CT Laser

Barrel Length:
Holster Style:
Apparel Size:
Model Number:
CT LG489
Make Model Fit:
Smith & Wesson.M&P Shield

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S&W M&P Shield CT LG489 Minituck Holster RH Blk

MAP: 67.750000000
Your Price
$2,299.99 *
Crow # 100037686
MFR # MTH-R-2501-0221
UPC 818882023228


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