The SnapSlide is an outside of the waistband holster designed to keep your firearm close to your body. This belt slide-style holster has belt slots that measure 1.75 inches; this works best with a 1.5 or 1.25 inch belt. The design is to have your firearm high and tight, just behind the hip on your strong side, and lay flat for concealment under a loose shirt.
As with all of our hybrid holsters, the SnapSlide comes with a two week try it free guaranty and a lifetime warranty.
CZ 75 75 Compact, 75B SnapSlide Holster RH Black/Cow Hide: 75B Except for polymer frame Sig 229 w/ Rail SnapSlide Holster RH Black: Full cocking serrations Sig 320 Sub Compact 9mm, .40S&W SnapSlide Holster RH Black: Also fits .357SIG S&W 5906 (but not square trigger guard models) SnapSlide Holster RH Black: Round trigger guard
Springfield XDs 3.3 SnapSlide Holster RH Black