Challenge Targets is upping its game in the competition world with the company's Commercial-Grade Revolving Plate Rack. This is a patent-pending design from Challenge Targets and is designed for use with handguns, rifles and 00 Buck-filled shotguns. Each Challenge Targets Revolving Plate Rack is described by the company as being a combination of a Texas Star and a Plate Rack. Each system features eight 8-inch plates held in place with a spring-retention system like that found on the Texas Star. As the plates are shot, they fall to the ground, changing the distribution of the weight across the bar. This shift causes the plates to rotate, and the use of pillow bearings and precision machining contributes to the speed and directional shift caused by each successful hit.
- Targets made from AR500 steel
- Overall height: 6 feet, 2 inches
- Weight: 162 pounds
- Breaks into three sections
Resetting the Challenge Targets Revolving Plate Rack is fast and easy. Simply lift the spring and insert the plate stem into the pocket inside the crossbar. Resetting the eight-plate arrangement can be done in about a minute. Not only is this great for competition shooting, the revolving system also has uses in LE and tactical training, as it fulfills requirements for training on moving targets.