All 1911 owners looking to pair their battle-ready handgun with grips that'll be just as durable as their fighting pistol have found the answer in Labyrinth 1911 Grips. Several options are available in the lineup of handgun grips, each with a specially textured finish designed to anchor the gun into the hands of shooters during rapid-fire strings. For traditionalists, Labyrinth 1911 Grips are available from machined Cocobolo wood, one of the hardest and densest woods available today. For those looking to add something stronger and more impervious to their guns, grips are also available in all-black phenolic, a resin-based material known for its durability. Grip fits are available for all Government handguns, as well as specially machined fits for 1911s outfitted with an Ed Brown-style bobtail frame.
Labyrinth Grip, Cocobolo, Govt