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One of the annoying elements of a DA/SA pistol like the popular CZ 75 is how large the difference is between a double-action and a single-action trigger pull. This makes it difficult for shooters to place first-round hits without a great degree of training and practice. The Apex Tactical Action Enhancement Kit is designed to reduce this difference for owners of CZ 75 B Decocker handguns. Each Apex Tactical CZ 75 B Action Enhancement Kit includes a hammer and sear that have matching engagement surfaces in order to provide a cleaner, more consistent trigger break while also eliminating stacking on the double-action trigger pull. Thanks to the matched surfaces, these critical parts require no stoning or final finishing on the part of the user. The other feature of this kit is that it reduces the difference between DA and SA trigger-pull weights to about 2 pounds. With the Carry Mainspring installed, the CZ 75 B Action Enhancement Kit provides a DA pull of 7 pounds and an SA pull of 5 pounds. With the Competition Mainspring, those trigger-pull weights drop to 6 pounds and 4.5 pounds, respectively. The Apex Tactical kit can be used on all CZ 75 B decocker models, including the SP-01 Phantom and the SP-01 Tactical. It cannot be used on thumb safety-equipped models or guns with the Omega trigger system.

Available options: 100039405

Model Number:
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CZ 75 B Decocker Action Enhancement Kit

MAP: 156.750000000
Your Price
$2,299.99 *
Crow # 100039405
MFR # 116-143
UPC 854751007050


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