The Bullet Proof ® Titanium firing pin is a simple drop-in retrofit for shooters who want to enhance drop safety and reduce lock time in their 1911. This part is a drop-in part for Series 70 or Series 80 style 1911 designs and for guns with a standard .45 ACP USGI/Colt diameter (.093”) firing pin.
SPECS: Most 1911 handguns on the market use one of three different diameters of firing pins. Standard .45 ACP/USGI 1911 is .093”. Most Springfield Armory Pistols use .075” Current Production Wilson of all calibers and many others uses a .38 Super/9mm pin regardless of caliber of .065” diameter. If the firing pin diameter needed is unknown, check the hole size in the recoil face or measure your pin diameter to determine the caliber firing pin needed for your slide before ordering.