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Redding Competition Bushing Neck Die Set includes a Competition Bushing Neck Sizing Die, a Body Die, and a Competition Bullet Seater. Neck Sizing Die and Seater feature micrometer adjustments. Bushings and Shellholder sold separately. Competition Bushing Neck Die - With this die, the cartridge case is completely supported and aligned with the sizing bushing before the sizing process begins. As the sizing process starts, the cartridge case remains supported in the tightly chambered, sliding sleeve as it moves upward while the resizing bushing self-centers on the case neck. The decapping rod is maintained in precise alignment by using the internal parts of the die as a linear support much like that of a firing pin. Meanwhile, the micrometer adjustment of the bushing position delivers precise control to the desired amount of neck length to be sized. Body Die -designed to full length resize the case body and bump the shoulder position for proper chambering without disturbing the case neck. Competition Bullet Seater - Tighter manufacturing tolerances have been made possible due to the details of the floating seating stem system. The bullet guide to seating stem fit is so precise that the seating stem can actually be demonstrated to "float"

223 Winchester Super Short Magnum
Diameter (in):
Die Style:
Bushing Neck Die Set
Inside Diameter:
Model Number:

223 WSSM Competition Bushing Neck Die Set

Your Price
$2,299.99 *
Crow # 749008287
MFR # 58295
UPC 611760582950


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North Carolina Warehouse
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