The die hard Cowboy Action Shooter not only uses authentic firearms and loads with black powder, but also dresses the part. Many would like to use period correct all brass shotshell ammunition, but with no good way to reload them, colorful plastic hulls continue to be used. Today's modern shotshell presses can handle the powder drop, wad seating and shot dropsb but could do nothing to handle the sizing, de-priming, re-priming and crimp of a brass case. The RCBS Cowboy Shotshell die answers this need. Designed to be used in any RCBS single stage press with a removable die bushing, it performs just like a rifle sizing die. The Cowboy Shotshell Die will first size and de-prime the case; Re-priming is done with the standard priming provided with the press. Use your shoshell press to fill the case with powder, seat the was and spacers and dispence you shot charge. Remove the sizing ring and install the finish crimp. Place your over shot card onto the shot charge and run up in to the die to roll crimp the case mouth. A newly handloaded brass shotshell is completed.