Though it isn't required every time you head to the range, cleaning you AR's gas tube is an important part of having a reliable, running rifle. However, completely removing the gas tube and block from your barrel is a pain. That's why IOSSO developed its AR Rifle Gas Tube Cleaning Kit, which allows AR owners to clean their rifle's gas tube without having to disassemble the gun. The patented design of the IOSSO AR Rifle Gas Tube Cleaning Kit includes a clear guide tube that slides over the end of the gas tube. All a user has to do is drop in some of the company's Triple Action Oil onto the tube-sized brush and run the entire brush into the gas tube. The combination of the oil and brush will remove all fouling inside. Each IOSSO AR Rifle Gas Tube Cleaning Kit is designed for use on both AR-10 and AR-15 rifles, and every kit is made in the USA.