Hardener and Resin to restock your Acraglas Kits. Both can be purchased together or individually in various container sizes.
The word ACRAGLAS has proven, during the many years it has been used by shooters, to be a true and fair product description. For Acraglas, as its name implies, is an accurizing material designed for the exclusive purpose of making a rifle shoot more accurately. Granted, it is a superior bedding compound used and sold as such by dealers, stock manufacturers and gunsmiths - but the fact remains: its prime purpose is to accurize a rifle. THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN To quote L.R.W. in the American Rifleman Dope Bag, “Acraglas will be found an excellent preparation to correct poor bedding and the revitalized rifle should respond with considerably better accuracy.” “It’s a boon for the lazy, too, because if you are inletting a stock blank you simply cut out too much wood all the way around, gob the wood well with Acraglas, put the metal in (properly treated with release agent coming with the kit) and set aside for about 24 hours. When the metal is removed, the result is perfect bedding for the action - good, strong, and reliable bedding it is, too.” PROVEN IN THE FIELD As the manufacturers of Acraglas, we cannot help but be very proud, too, of the many individual shooters and teams who have won big bore regional and Perry matches with Acraglassed guns ... and of the hunters who have sent us “before and after” targets made when sighting in their game rifles after using Acraglas. The basic materials used in Acraglas are those developed for the aircraft industry. These we have adapted to gun work.
Hardener and Resin to restock your Acraglas Kits. Both can be purchased together or individually in various container sizes.
The word ACRAGLAS has proven, during the many years it has been used by shooters, to be a true and fair product description. For Acraglas, as its name implies, is an accurizing material designed for the exclusive purpose of making a rifle shoot more accurately. Granted, it is a superior bedding compound used and sold as such by dealers, stock manufacturers and gunsmiths - but the fact remains: its prime purpose is to accurize a rifle. THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN To quote L.R.W. in the American Rifleman Dope Bag, “Acraglas will be found an excellent preparation to correct poor bedding and the revitalized rifle should respond with considerably better accuracy.” “It’s a boon for the lazy, too, because if you are inletting a stock blank you simply cut out too much wood all the way around, gob the wood well with Acraglas, put the metal in (properly treated with release agent coming with the kit) and set aside for about 24 hours. When the metal is removed, the result is perfect bedding for the action - good, strong, and reliable bedding it is, too.” PROVEN IN THE FIELD As the manufacturers of Acraglas, we cannot help but be very proud, too, of the many individual shooters and teams who have won big bore regional and Perry matches with Acraglassed guns ... and of the hunters who have sent us “before and after” targets made when sighting in their game rifles after using Acraglas. The basic materials used in Acraglas are those developed for the aircraft industry. These we have adapted to gun work.
Container Size:
Model Number:
Lines per Inch:
30 oz. Hardener
Your Price
$2,299.99 *
Crow # 081005122
UPC 050806101203
Iowa Warehouse
North Carolina Warehouse